Kali de Mano is a Filipino Martial Art (FMA) combining both ancient and modern fighting techniques. Kali de Mano is a stick fighting art that uses blades, sticks, empty hand techniques, throwing and ground work in the training program. Kali de Mano is a fast-paced martial art, very strong on coordination, ability to react and use the environment to deal with a challenging situation.

Our clubs teaches Kali de Mano, Filipino Martial arts, Southeast Asian and Eastern martial arts.


The martial arts journey for the Kali de Mano founders started in the late nineteen eighties. Kali de Mano has its origin in the traditional and modern Filipino martial arts. The main influence of our art is the late Great Grandmaster Ernesto A. Presas and his teachings. Both Kali de Mano founders have been trained in several FMA-styles and in several martial arts styles – all has led to the mix of arts that is taught in the Kali de Mano clubs with Kali de Mano as main focus.


1521 the tribal chieftain LapuLapu encountered the Spaniards under the lead of Magellan. The encounter resulted in the indigenous population forced the foreign forces into retreat. This is one of the earlier recordings of a battle where FMA says to have played a significant role. FMA, Filipino martial arts, are the collective name for Kali, Eskrima and Arnis. Arnis is the official name of the arts in the Philippines, Kali is mainly used in the western world. There are several variations of the arts and methods of fighting and interpreting the techniques. The fighting arts of the Philippines where initially only taught within the families. In the 80ies the western world started to be more introduced the arts and so started the spreading of a dynamic, fast en very interesting martial art globally.